Saturday, January 2, 2010

Little Lundy Dreams BiG

Every once in a yellow moon I like to pour myself a big drink of nog and whiskey. It soothes the nerves and helps to calm the skin. I'll admit I had a bit too much tonight, but now I can warm up to this little notebook of dreams.

I have always wanted to head out to North Dakota but I can never get up enough funds to get there. I have this plan. It is 17 years in the making. It first came to me when I was sitting at Sarbo's Greek/Chinese Dinner in downtown Ducakie, MH. A bird landed on the sill outside of my table. It looked at me, picked up an old bug scrap and flew away. My mind instantly flashed to meat cleavers digging into the carcasses of large farm animals. You can make a good big bad buck making machines. So right then and there I did a blood promise with myself to get out to Dakotie and make some machines.

Things happened. Life turned over on me like a fat goat rolling in its own shit. 17 years past, debts collected, got divorced, lost my house. It has been a ribbon of bad times. One morning I got a post marked advertisement from the tourist office of the Great State of North Dakota. I sprung into a silly, excitement ripping through my decrepit bones.

"I'm going" said I.

I went.

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